In the Arctic, the accordion is an everlasting tradition, connecting today’s players with past generations.
Written by Kahlan Miron
Photo screen shot by Qaggiavuut Performing Arts Centre
Maybe by missing one of its biggest attractions, you can learn to appreciate the North’s smaller wonders.
Written by Kahlan Miron
The Yukon’s Carcross Desert may not be an actual desert, but it is an area that thrives on a careful balance.
Written by Kahlan Miron
Stanley Aryanto From The Wicked Hunt Photography
Climbers face a perilous journey even before their ascent on northern mountains. That challenge is also what keeps these adventurers reaching for the top.
Written by Kahlan Miron
Photo Courtesy Bronwyn Hodgins
In Whitehorse, Santa Claus trades his sleigh for a garbage truck to bring the town holiday cheer.
Written by Kahlan Miron
Aurora Heat founder Brenda Dragon built a continent-wide customer network with a savvy approach to social media. But the heart of her success is authenticity.
Written by Kahlan Miron
Photo courtesy by Aurora Heat
A surprising theatrical moment sparks some considerations on connection and place.
Written by Kahlan Miron
Illustration by Beth Covey
These Yukon hot springs give a whole new meaning to frosted tips.
Written by Kahlan Miron
Photo Courtesy By Takhini Hot Pools