The best autumn mornings are spent filling the freezer one grouse at a time.
Written by Anna Tupakka
Photo by Anna Tupakka
On a long paddling sojourn from Yellowknife to the East Arm, birding became a surprising and pleasant distraction.
Written by Anna Tupakka
Photos by Anna Tupakka
On the tedious training, infectious joy, and unexpected rewards of having a four-legged backcountry adventure companion.
Written by Anna Tupakka
Photo by Anna Tupakka
Every summer, Anna Tupakka and her partner roam in the Yukon wilderness. Bugs, broken gear and inquisitive wolves can’t wear them out—but the human condition might
Written by Anna Tupakka
The southern portion of the Ogilvie Mountain range includes Tombstone Mountain, for which the park is named, and Mount Monolith.